No-Interest Loan
The Rosebud Conservation District No-Interest Loan Program was created in 1982 in order to encourage people to install conservation practices and utilize money available to the district. The district's no-interest loan program is available to area producers for the development of conservation practices and systems as a part of a conservation plan to benefit agricultural land within the Rosebud Conservation District.
Typical practices but not limited to:
Storage tanks
Stream bank stabilization
Irrigation pipelines​
Grass seeding​
Stock tanks​
Sagebrush clearing

The Rosebud Conservation District loan program is an excellent tool to help you achieve your conservation goals. Loans are available up to $75,000 with a 0% interest rate. An administrative fee of three percent of the total of the loan will be due at the time of closing. Applicants apply through the Rosebud Conservation District Board of Supervisors. Applications are accepted and reviewed at the regular meeting, which is the first Thursday of each month. Loan payments will begin on December 15, not less than 6 months after the loan date and may be spread up to a ten year period. Loans will be secured by real-estate mortgages on all, or a portion of, the land owned by the borrower. Applicants are encouraged to become cooperators of the district. Loans will NOT be allowed for reseeding Capability Class 6, 7 & 8 lands that have been converted after January 1, 1983.

Applicants will be notified of the action taken by the supervisors. Applicants whose applications are selected for district loan assistance will be required to furnish a resource conservation plan, approved by the NRCS, showing the proposed project(s) and benefits. If no progress has been made toward utilizing an approved loan application within one year, the approval will be cancelled.